台東不可錯過的隱藏版景點 「龍貓公車亭」成療癒夯點

<p>Zhilu Bridge(Courtesy of IG/@yuni_tung)</p>

Zhilu Bridge(Courtesy of IG/@yuni_tung)


Taitung is often called a tourism hub; but, most people don’t know that there are still many understated destinations in the region. Here are two spots to visit if you want to stay away from huge crowds.


To begin with, the bus stop of the “Zhilu Bridge” at the entrance of Donghe Village Old Street, Donghe Township (Line 11), is dubbed “the most beautiful bus stop in Taiwan.”

The bench at the bus stop is made from driftwood and the roof is made of Cypress and Taitung Cycad to prevent the bus stop from overheating in the summer. The walls of the stop are made of coral stones, giving it a rustic and natural look.

Because the bus stop bears a strong resemblance to the one in Ghibli Studio’s Totoro, it’s also known as “Totoro Bus Stop”.

作家劉克襄筆下「到不了的車站」- 山里車站,這座小車站就位在台東縣卑南鄉的山里部落。隱藏在遺世獨立小村落的山里車站每天平均使用人數約7人,但因特別的木棧月台、遠方翠綠山巒,吸引不少鐵道迷到此拍照取景。除此之外,車站旁還搭建一座觀景臺,遊客可以登上觀景台,欣賞列車經過山里車站、以及遠方的美景。

Another highlight is Shanli Railway Station located in the Shanli settlement of Taitung County. Nature writer Liu Ka-shiang described this small station as an “Unreachable Station,” making this spot even more popular.

The small station and the beautiful hidden village is one of the least-used train stations in Taiwan with only seven people per day on average.

However, the station features the wooden platform and a breathtaking view of the mountains in the distance, drawing countless photographers to take pictures.

What’s more? Next to the station stands an observation deck that overlooks trains passing through the station.

山里車站|Shanli railway station (Courtesy of IG/@ryanyang_)
山里車站|Shanli railway station (Courtesy of IG/@ryanyang_)


Zhilu Bridge Address: No. 38 Nandonghe, Donghe Village, Donghe Township, Taitung County

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